martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016

Technology disadvantages

Regarding this subtopic, I considered the following as disadvantages:
Technology might substitute recreation, this can be applied to all technology users because of the become a slave from technology that could think that the need to be connected to any social network or have access to the internet to be "Online".

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People also may present difficulties to establish verbal communication, eye contact to mention some of them, the writing can be poor writing because people may use symbols instead of the complete the word.

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Parents in our days are very permissive while their children use technology not moderating the access to it and nor restricting some website that could damage their innocence (morality)

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Technology Advantages.

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Technology Advantages: in this subtopic, I will try to make an emphasis just in the must important advantages that I consider,  as I mentioned before keeps the communication in real time with family, friends, and coworkers, you could have a video conference with all them wherever you are, needing only a wireless connection. 

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Education now is been innovated with this tool because students are in touch with their tutors or teachers giving assistance in real time as well as if students were in a classroom. The information that students may need are on the internet as free for everyone, of course, there are some places that require a subscription where you need to use a credit card either to have a premium access or just to provide the info you need.

Another advantage that the technology has is that in many companies this is one the main tools to provide a service and keep a track on the services were given or even expand your business to another level where everyone could know about the services or product that your own company provides or the one that you work for.
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Resultado de imagen para technologyTechnology has become an important tool in nowadays, we could say that our world is going surrounded by technology, many companies are working with at list a computer or any other device  to keep a database updated about their sells and the revenue that they are getting every day this is related to work, regarding the educations is one of the must important tools to teach today, about family area this has become one the easiest ways to keep all family communicated in everywhere and everyplace but this has advantages and disadvantages and those are the following topics that I will try to develop in this blog.